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Neuer Service für Ausrichter/Presse/Wettkampf-Sprecher: kommentierte Startlisten

Ausnahmsweise mal ein Eintrag auf Deutsch: Ich habe kurzfristig für die Ausrichter der DKV-Qualifikationen 2016 einen neuen Bereich auf der Webseite eingerichtet: Unter dieser Adresse gibt es kommentierte Startlisten der Wettkämpfe, d.h. Startlisten mit Startnummer Name (Alter, sofern vorhanden) … Weiterlesen

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Film archive of the „Bundesarchiv“

The German „Bundesarchiv“ has got some nice historical films on canoe slalom, starting in the 1950s. Link to „Bundesarchiv“ Credits to Armin Kießlich for the information.

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Biographies for the German National Team

I’ve added some new pages to the „German part“ of this website: biographies (= historical results) of the current german national teams. This is some additional information to the biographies on the team website.

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Thank you! is an archive website for canoe slalom results from all over the world and I’d like to say „thank you“ to all the people, organizations and companies who are sending me result lists or who are publishing result lists … Weiterlesen

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Back to the 60’s and 70’s

Armin Kießlich from Spremberg sent me some result lists of the World Championships from 1959 to 1975 – thanks! The World Championships which are still missing in my archive are 1949 to 1957, 1971 and 1977. Armin Kießlich ( has … Weiterlesen

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Canoeslalom athletes on the english Wikipedia

Vlady Danis did a great job: He created profiles for all world championships participants on the english Wikipedia. Of course, he found errors in my data, too – Thanks for all the corrections!

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Scan completed ..

It took me less than 2 weeks to scan all the documents from the German Canoe Federation. Yeah! OK, there were duplicates in the boxes and folders and startlists and other stuff I don’t need for the website. And, of … Weiterlesen

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A visit to the office of the German Canoe Federation

Last week I visited the office of the German Canoe Federation (DKV) at Duisburg and took a look at the archive of the DKV. I found of a lot of folders and boxes with historical result lists: I took them … Weiterlesen

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Search-function for the archive

At the moment I’m working on a google-based search function for the archive. So you can enter a name of an athlete and you will see all the results. Unfortunately, there are some issues at the moment and it can … Weiterlesen

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Corrections on the German Championships

Thanks to Wilfried Denniger I could correct some data on the German Championships back in the 1940s to 1970s, like adding the club names etc.

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