Flaws on www.canoeslalom.net

There are some flaws on the website www.canoeslalom.net (beside data errors). Most of them are there because of technical and historical reasons (I started the database in 1993 and at that time I did not plan to go online with the data 🙂 ). I’ll try to correct them in the near future:

  • Names of the athletes: athletes who changed their names (e.g. due to marriage) are listed with one name on the whole website
  • Names of clubs: the same applies to clubs and even nations
  • Athletes who have competed for more than one country during their career are listed with the last country only (on the startpage, e.g. https://canoeslalom.net/doku.php/de_sportler/int_76). And on the individual page the results are not assigned to countries. ** SOLVED **
  • Some events appear multiple times in the archive, e.g. the German Championships 2019 (solved on September, 8th 2020 – some problems are easier than they appear)
  • World Championships Slalom Extreme are missing ==> I plan to include the medallists ** DONE **
  • Youth Olympic Games are missing ==> I plan to include the medallists ** DONE **

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